The Soul School Student Membership

Hands gently holding a flower crown, symbolizing connection and heart-centered living

The Heart-Centered Living Journey: A Soulful Path to Holistic Well-Being

Welcome to The Soul School Student Membership, where we embark on a transformative journey to live a heart-centered life infused with purpose, authenticity, and joy. Over the course of 12 months, we'll delve into various aspects of personal growth and development, all woven together by the common thread of nurturing a deep connection to the heart and community. Imagine, personalized care among others who all want to witness you thrive!

Your membership includes:

  • Monthly live 90 minute interactive teachings and community based practices (first Tuesday of each month)

  • Specialized Monthly Workbook PDF integrating the theme of the month

  • Access to a private community forum with professional monitoring and management

  • Daily intention support and journal prompts for members to share

  • Pre-recorded meditations and other resources specifically for you!

Embark on this transformative journey and unlock your fullest potential for a life filled with purpose, joy, and abundance.

This course is for you if…

  • You're seeking clarity and purpose in your life's journey.

  • Wanting to align your career and personal goals with your values.

  • Interested in improving your overall well-being and stress management skills.

  • Committed to personal growth and continuous learning.

  • Ready to cultivate meaningful relationships and a fulfilling lifestyle.

What to expect:

Month 1-3: Dharma, Aligning with Your Inner Compass

In the initial months, we focus on aligning with your inner compass, exploring the foundational aspects of heart-centered living.

  1. 5/7 Reintroduction: Ego, Meet your Soul

  2. 6/4 Learn the Laws of Miraculous Manifesting and Maintaining that Momentum

  3. 7/2 The Soul Tempo Time Management Method

Month 4-6: Nurturing Connections and Relationships

In the next phase, we delve into the importance of nurturing meaningful connections and relationships from a heart-centered perspective.

4. 8/6 The Art of Listening: a practice of grounded presence

5. 9/3 How to Maintain a Heart Centered Approach to Difficult Conversations

6. 10/1 Befriending Boundaries: Your Commitment to Authentic Connection and Integrity

Month 7-9: Cultivating Inner Harmony and Resilience

During this phase, we focus on cultivating inner harmony and resilience as essential aspects of heart-centered living.

7. 11/5 Trauma to Triumph: Trauma happens, being traumatized doesn’t have to follow.

8. 12/3 Abundance and Financial Literacy

9.1/7 Embodied Living: Strengthening our Physical Core and our Core Values

Month 10-12: Embracing Soulful Expansion and Evolution

In the final phase, we embrace soulful expansion and evolution, allowing our hearts to guide us towards greater growth and purpose.

10. 2/4 Purposeless Play and our Curious Imagination

11. 3/4 Beyond Perceptions and our Power to Discern

12. 4/1 Gratitude Morning, Noon and Night

Membership fee options:

The scaled pricing offers three options rather than one fixed price. This structure makes it possible for more people to access the program, supported by the community and those who have access to more resources. Your enrollment also helps us to add more scholarships. Please choose the option that feels appropriate to you and your circumstances: