Honoring and celebrating significant life transitions of Womanhood in a sacred, genuine, and community-focused setting.

Welcome to Sacred Sabha: Ritual Gatherings of Womanhood, where we honor and celebrate the transformative moments in a woman’s life with deeply meaningful rituals. Drawing from the rich tradition of the Hindi word “Sabha,” which signifies an assembly or gathering, our Sacred Sabha ceremonies bring together women in a sacred circle of support, reflection, and empowerment. We must continue to gather in celebration of one another’s journeys and remember the power of women communing for a cause.

Our Inclusive Approach

Caitlin believes in the power of inclusivity and the profound strength found in women supporting one another. What does it mean to create sacred space? It’s this genuine, vulnerable, and raw experience where we accept and allow for the depths of our hearts’ purity and the benevolence of our ancestors, guides and the greater Collective Consciousness to be intertwined.

At Sacred Sabha, we embrace the diversity and individuality of all women, welcoming those at any stage of life. Whether you are entering marriage, committing to motherhood, retiring, moving away, heading to college, getting your period, entering menopause or celebrating any other significant threshold moment, our ceremonies provide a powerful representation of the courage it takes to face the unknown. In the circle of Sacred Sabha, you are never alone; you are surrounded by a community of love and support, standing with you as you embark on your journey.

What We Offer

Sacred Bridal Sabha

Our bridal rituals honor the bride-to-be, celebrating her essence and the impact she has on her loved ones. Through shared stories, creative expressions, and personal vows, this ceremony offers a meaningful way to prepare for the journey of marriage.

Sacred Motherhood Sabha

Embrace the journey of motherhood with a nurturing ceremony that supports and uplifts the expecting mother. With blessings, reflective questions, and creative activities, this ritual provides a sacred space to honor the transition into motherhood and foster deep connections.

Life Transition Sabha

From retirements to personal milestones, our life transition ceremonies provide a space to reflect, celebrate, and gather in community support. These rituals honor the unique paths and stories of each individual, marking significant moments with intention and love.

Why Choose Our Ceremonies?

Our sacred ceremonies are more than just celebrations; they are transformative experiences designed to foster connection, reflection, and empowerment with your essence as the inspiration. Caitlin’s intuitive guidance and compassionate presence ensure a memorable and meaningful experience for all participants.

Booking Information

To book a Sacred Sabha or for more information, please contact Caitlin Peterson. We look forward to co-creating a sacred experience with you, celebrating your journey and the powerful circle of women who stand by your side!